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Cell Battery Battery - LiFEPO4 3.2V 280Ah - LF280K EVE
Cell Battery Battery - LiFEPO4 3.2V 280Ah - LF280K EVE
Cell Battery Battery - LiFEPO4 3.2V 280Ah - LF280K EVE

Cell Battery Battery - LiFEPO4 3.2V 280Ah - LF280K EVE

Код виробника
373,80 EUR +ПДВ
1 600,00 PLN
4 ×
400,00 PLN +ПДВ
(4 шт.)
базова ціна
93,45 EUR
1 шт.
16+ шт.
91,12 EUR
1 шт.
100+ шт.
88,78 EUR
1 шт.
Хв. кількість: 4 шт.
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3 днів
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Cell LiFEPO4 280Ah 3.2V LF280K

High-quality cell LiFePO4 from the renowned manufacturer EVE.This product is an excellent choice for people looking for a reliable source of energy for their devices.They can be connected in series or parallel to obtain the appropriate voltage.

LiFePO4 has several important features that distinguish it from other technologies:

    % p9/%

    Safety : LiFePO4 is much safer than other types of lithium-ion batteries.It is resistant to overheating and is not susceptible to the so-called"thermal runaway", which can lead to fire or explosion with some other battery technologies.

  1. Long Life : LiFePO4 batteries can survive thousands of charge cycles, making them more durable than many other types of batteries and some one of the cheapest energy storage solutions per number of cycles.Compared to lithium-ion batteries, they can live 10x longer.

  2. Voltage Stability : LiFePO4 batteries maintain a constant voltage throughout most of their discharge cycle.This means that devices can operate at full power for longer periods of time.

  3. Eco-friendliness : Compared to other types of lithium-ion batteries, LiFePO4 is more environmentally friendly by using iron instead of cobalt or nickel, which are harmful to the environment.

LiFePO4 batteries are often used in a variety of applications such as electric vehicles, energy storage systems and camping equipment.

Brief characteristics of the cells offered:

  • Manufacturer: %p10/ % EVE

  • Nominal voltage: 3.2V

  • % p22/% Capacity: 280Ah

  • Voltage range: 2.5V - 3.65V % p33/%

  • Production date: available under QR code

  • Internal resistance: ≤0.25mΩ ( AC 1KHZ )

  • Weight: 5,4 kg ( +/- 0,3kg)

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