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GoodWe 6,5K-ET

GoodWe 6,5K-ET

1 390,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 шт.
1 390,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 ×
1 390,00 EUR +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
500,00 EUR
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GoodWe three-phase hybrid voltage inverters from the ET series are equipped with 2x MPP trackers as standard and allow the connection of high-voltage batteries. This inverter is resistant to the outage of the distribution network and therefore provides a perfect backup for both the family home and the company.

The three-phase GoodWe 5K-ET Plus 2xMPPT hybrid inverter offers 2 separate outputs. The phase of the family house is connected to the first output, and backup appliances are connected to the second output, which should work even in the event of a distribution network failure. While the inverter is connected to the grid, it supplies to both outputs. In the event of a distribution network failure, it supplies only to the second outlet. The transition to backup mode happens within milliseconds. So it is a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply).

It goes without saying that the free monitoring system of the power plant (power plant and battery status) using Wi-Fi. The converter can be set as flowless. The batteries can be charged from the AC side (from the distributor network). The inverter is able to work even without connected batteries.

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