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Тіго TS4-A-2F

Тіго TS4-A-2F

Tigo Energy
34,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 шт.
34,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 ×
34,00 EUR +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
10 000,00 EUR
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The Tigo TS4-A-2F is a cutting-edge rapid shutdown device specifically designed to enhance the safety and compliance of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. As part of Tigo TS4 platform, the TS4-A-2F provides module-level power electronics (MLPE) solutions, focusing on rapid shutdown capabilities to meet stringent safety standards.Key FeaturesRapid Shutdown Compliance:The TS4-A-2F ensures compliance with NEC 2017 and NEC 2020 rapid shutdown requirements. This feature is crucial for the safety of installers, maintenance personnel, and first responders, providing immediate de-energization of the PV system in emergencies.Dual Module Compatibility:This device is designed to work with two PV modules simultaneously, making it a cost-effective and efficient solution for systems requiring rapid shutdown capabilities across multiple panels.Power Rating:With a robust design, the TS4-A-2F supports high-power solar panels, ensuring compatibility with the latest advancements in PV technology.Compatibility and Installation:Equipped with standard PV connectors, the TS4-A-2F is easy to integrate with existing solar panels. Its plug-and-play design simplifies installation, making it ideal for both new installations and retrofits.Monitoring Capabilities:While primarily a rapid shutdown device, the TS4-A-2F can be integrated with Tigo's communication devices (such as the CCA or TAP) for enhanced module-level monitoring. This feature allows users to track the performance of individual panels, facilitating quick identification and resolution of issues.Durability and Reliability:Designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions, the TS4-A-2F operates efficiently across a wide range of temperatures and weather conditions, ensuring long-term reliability and performance.SpecificationsPower Capacity: Suitable for high-power modulesConnectors: Standard PV connectorsModule Compatibility: Dual module supportInstallation: Plug-and-play design for easy integrationMonitoring: Module-level monitoring with Tigo communication devices (optional)Safety: Rapid shutdown capabilityAdvantagesEnhanced Safety: Ensures compliance with NEC 2017 and NEC 2020 rapid shutdown requirements, providing immediate de-energization of the PV system in emergencies.Cost-Effective: Supports two modules simultaneously, reducing the number of devices needed and lowering installation costs.Higher Efficiency: Maintains optimal system performance when integrated with Tigo’s monitoring solutions.Easy Installation: The plug-and-play design with standard PV connectors simplifies installation and reduces labor costs.Improved Maintenance: Optional module-level monitoring allows for quick identification of underperforming panels, reducing maintenance time and costs.Long-Term Reliability: Built to endure challenging environmental conditions, ensuring sustained performance.

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