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Frontrock Plus 50mm rock wool, lambda 0.035 W/mK, pack = 3.6 m2 ROCKWOOL

Frontrock Plus 50mm rock wool, lambda 0.035 W/mK, pack = 3.6 m2 ROCKWOOL

19,18 EUR +ПДВ
82,11 PLN
19,18 EUR +ПДВ
82,11 PLN
1 ×
82,11 PLN +ПДВ
(1 )
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Frontrock Plus 120mm (1000x600mm) rock wool, lambda 0.035, pack.= 3.6 m2 ROCKWOOL - Excellent insulation performance

Frontrock PLUS board is a high-quality thermal insulation made of non-flammable rock wool with excellent insulation performance. Thanks to its effectiveness, this product is an ideal solution for seamless insulation systems. Here's why Frontrock PLUS stands out from other products: Frontrock PLUS board provides excellent thermal, acoustic and fire insulation for the exterior walls of buildings. As a result, it improves the energy efficiency of the entire structure, allowing it to maintain optimal indoor temperatures.

Versatile application

Frontrock PLUS can be used for thermal insulation of various types of exterior walls, whether masonry, monolithic or prefabricated. Regardless of the type of building, this board will meet your requirements and provide high-quality insulation.

Frontrock PLUS - Comfort for your home

Using Frontrock PLUS panels will allow you to enjoy the comfort and durability of your home's facade. Class A1 fire resistance guarantees the highest standards of fire safety. In addition, the excellent insulation performance of the board ensures a pleasant temperature inside the building all year round. With Frontrock PLUS, you can save on heating costs, reduce CO2 emissions and increase the fire safety of your home.

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