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EKO-OZE-PV Optimizer of the Zamel photovoltaic installation operation

EKO-OZE-PV Optimizer of the Zamel photovoltaic installation operation

376,82 EUR +ПДВ
1 612,00 PLN
1 шт.
376,82 EUR +ПДВ
1 612,00 PLN
1 ×
1 612,00 PLN +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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EKO-OZE-PV Optimizer of the Zamel photovoltaic installation operation

The EKO-OZE-PV photovoltaic installation optimizer from Zamel is an advanced device that significantly increases the efficiency and economics of home photovoltaic systems. It is an intelligent solution designed to manage and adjust the operation of connected electrical receivers, especially heaters in hot water tanks, in a way that allows for more complete use of the energy produced by solar panels.

Main functions and advantages of EKO-RES-PV:

PID control: Uses PID controllers to continuously monitor voltage and temperature levels, reacting in real time to any changes.

Consumption optimization: Enables water heating at the most effective times, e.g. when energy is produced by a photovoltaic micro-installation, which allows for cost reduction.

Increasing auto-consumption: It allows you to use the electricity produced first to cover your own needs before it is fed into the grid.

Intelligent Load Management: Modulates the load generated by the heaters to locally reduce voltage and prevent inverter shutdowns caused by voltage spikes.

Assembly and installation:

The device should be installed by a qualified installer with appropriate SEP qualifications. Standard tools and compliance with safety regulations are required for assembly. EKO-OZE-PV should be mounted on a stable surface using expansion bolts and then connected to the electrical and heating installations. All work should be carried out with the power disconnected.

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