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Ballast Structure K8000 Level

Ballast Structure K8000 Level

66,85 EUR +ПДВ
286,08 PLN
1 шт.
66,85 EUR +ПДВ
286,08 PLN
1 ×
286,08 PLN +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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Ballast Structure K8000 Level

ballast K8000 Level is an advanced mounting system designed for installing photovoltaic panels on flat roofs. Thanks to its modular structure and the ability to adapt to individual requirements, it is a flexible and durable solution for a wide range of photovoltaic projects.

Key design features of the K8000 Level:

Maximum module size: The system is designed to accommodate panels with a maximum length of up to 3000 mm and a width of up to 1400 mm.

Angle of inclination: The user can choose the angle of inclination of the panels from 10° to 20°, which allows for optimization of the efficiency of the photovoltaic system.

Anti-corrosion coating: The structure is protected with Magnelis technology, which ensures long-term protection against corrosion, even in harsh environmental conditions.

Versatility: The system allows the structure to be configured for panels with custom dimensions and specifications, making it suitable for a variety of installation needs.

Installation instructions:

The included installation instructions for the K8000 Level ballast structure guide you through the entire installation process, ensuring the system is properly attached.

Catalog Card:

Contains all necessary technical data and specifications for the K8000 Level design, making it easier to select the right system for your specific project.

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