GoodWe GW5000D-NS

GoodWe GW5000D-NS

613,92 EUR +ПДВ
2 626,05 PLN
1 шт.
613,92 EUR +ПДВ
2 626,05 PLN
1 ×
2 626,05 PLN +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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+22 більше
Способи оплати:
Банківський переказ

GoodWe GW5000D-NS Single Phase Inverter

GoodWe’s DNS series is a single-phase Residental solar on-grid inverter with excellent compact size, comprehensive software and hardware technology. Manufactured for durability and longevity under modern industrial standards, the DNS series offers high efficiency and class-leading functionality, IP65, dustproofing and waterproofing and a fan-less, low-noise design. Tigo integrated (optional)

Built-in Anti-reverse function
Control the amount of power exported to the grid up to zero output, in compliance with your electricity utility’s requirements.

An optional LAN/WIFI communication offers for users different monitoring methods to cater for different needs. Users are able to choose the most convenient way to monitor their solar systems. It also allows to switch into another monitoring method after installation.

  • Max. DC Input Power: 6500 W

  • MPPT Input voltage range: 80-550 V

  • Nominal Output Voltage: 220/230 V

  • Protection Rating: IP65

  • Display / Communication: LCD & LED / RS485 or WiFi or LAN

  • Size (Width x Height x Depth, mm): 354 x 433 x 147

  • Weight: 13 kg

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