Hypontech Hybrid Inverter HHT-6000, 6kW
- Виробник: Hypontech
- Номінальна потужність змінного струму: 6000 W
- Кількість фаз: три
- Кількість MPPT: 2
- Series: HHT 5-12K
Hypontech inverter…
… Dark horse among hybrid inverters
The company stands out in the market thanks to the constantly developing portfolio of PV inverters, among which we can find hybrid inverters since 2023!Their products are tested in environments around the world.Sold today in over 50 countries on 6 continents .They have been designed on the basis of of the latest electronic components from renowned manufacturers, e.g. Fujitsu or Texas Instruments , which made it possible not only to simplify the construction and reduce the weight of the device, but above all, it contributed to the low failure rate.
Guarantee 5 years
Very fast inverter thanks to modern components and software
Degree of protection IP65 allows operation outdoors and in adverse weather conditions.
Very high efficiency
Wide range of DC supply voltages
Permissible short term overload up to 50% on DC side
- %p20 /% Ambient temperature range: -25 + 60 degrees C
Very quiet operation - passive cooling
%p29/ % -
Inverter works with energy storage PYLONTECH % p39/%
Intuitive and functional application for iOS and Android
AC/DC surge protection
Evolive Technologies research has shown that the Hypontech inverter definitely positively distinguishes in the inverter market.In this regard, catalog data does not always translate into actual production efficiency of inverters.In this respect, Hypontech is at the forefront of inverters in our ranking.