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Photovoltaic carport - Solar shed 2 cars
Photovoltaic carport - Solar shed 2 cars
Photovoltaic carport - Solar shed 2 cars
Photovoltaic carport - Solar shed 2 cars

Photovoltaic carport - Solar shed 2 cars

2 312,97 EUR +ПДВ
9 900,00 PLN
1 шт.
2 312,97 EUR +ПДВ
9 900,00 PLN
1 ×
9 900,00 PLN +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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Photovoltaic carport on 2 cars are a product that enjoys a lot of interest on the market of renewable energy sources.Retail customers as well as production plants, service companies, the tourist industry (hotels, guesthouses), PV installers, PV wholesalers and the broadly understood RES industry will be satisfied with this type of solar shed .

Carport is designed for external installation.It uses modern and innovative technology that helps to reduce internal losses, and real savings on bills translate into a reduction of energy expenses.Thanks to the use of aluminum, the structure is not only durable, but also fulfills aesthetic functions, perfectly matching any type of environment.

In addition, the solar shed protects vehicles against adverse weather conditions.These types of photovoltaic panels are very often used as one of the best ways to save energy.They are used by both farms and retail customers who have high energy expenditures.This product can also be extended with additional functional shelters.The custom design of the photovoltaic carports means that the value of the property is significantly increased, while protecting the vehicles in the yard.

The carport shelter will also be perfect as a charging station for electric vehicles.Many models have built-in car charging stations, which opens up new possibilities for electromobility.

The product successfully achieves the goal of installing PV panels and building an additional, roofed car parking space.The shelter is made of aluminum in the form of a universal structure.For an additional fee, it is also possible to paint the shelter in any color.


  • Maximum module width -1060 mm

  • Dedicated number of modules:20

  • Module length -1640-1755 mm

  • inclination angle -5 st

  • Dimensions -6700 x 5620x 3000 mm

  • Construction weight -260 kg

  • Material - aluminum

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