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JKBMS module interface photovoltaic inverter communication

JKBMS module interface photovoltaic inverter communication

134,08 EUR +ПДВ
666,66 RON
1 шт.
134,08 EUR +ПДВ
666,66 RON
1 ×
666,66 RON +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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JKLink is an interface adapter compatible with JKBMS bms of the JK-BD6Axxxxxx and JK-BxAxxxxxx families.JKLink Smart Battery Monitor is a professional product that allows you to integrate the battery with the inverter and check the battery status.Once connected, it will automatically configure the battery parameters in the inverter and can send the important parameters to the cloud via MQTT protocol.The installation is relatively simple, but it is recommended to be performed by an authorized person with knowledge in the field.Inverter compatibility: JKlink Smart Battery Monitor is compatible with most inverters (Victron/GoodWe/SMA/Voltronic/MPPSolar/Invt/EaSun/Growatt/Deye/etc) that have a RS485 or CAN interface for battery management.It gives you the option to choose between different inverter families from the web interface.Features and Capabilities: Battery Parameter Data Display Battery Voltage (V), Battery Current (A), Battery State of Charge (SOC), Total Power (Wh) External and Battery Temperature (degrees Celsius) Fan Speed ​​(rpm) Control fan speed based on external temperature sensors/BMS and charge/discharge current RS485 and CAN port for battery management in inverter Programmable relay, high or low battery voltage WiFi Internet connection for cloud monitoring and control (MQTT) Interface web for battery status and parameters Inverter and BMS status, charge/discharge status, voltage, current, power, SOC, capacity, average cell voltage, cell delta voltage, external/MOS/internal temperatures, fan speed, relay status.MQTT broker for Home Assistant and cloud services OTA firmware update JKLink Smart Battery Monitor kit contains: Interface Temperature sensor LCD display 128x64 PWM fan 12V (optional) Cable adapter for JKBMS Battery power cables Manual installation

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