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FuturaSun FU420M ZEBRA PRO ALL BLACK photovoltaic module
FuturaSun FU420M ZEBRA PRO ALL BLACK photovoltaic module
FuturaSun FU420M ZEBRA PRO ALL BLACK photovoltaic module
FuturaSun FU420M ZEBRA PRO ALL BLACK photovoltaic module
FuturaSun FU420M ZEBRA PRO ALL BLACK photovoltaic module

FuturaSun FU420M ZEBRA PRO ALL BLACK photovoltaic module

Код виробника
206,20 EUR +ПДВ
882,00 PLN
1 шт.
206,20 EUR +ПДВ
882,00 PLN
1 ×
882,00 PLN +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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Код виробника

ZEBRA Pro All Black is a new series of rear contact photovoltaic modules with a power of 425 Wp. 132 N-type high efficiency IBC cells (166 mm - M6) are assembled in an innovative cell arrangement with a reduced gap.

This high-efficiency solar module features IBC (Interdigitated Back Contact) technology with electrical contacts on the back.Contacts on the back of the PV module and no tape keep the cell free, preventing shadowing for maximum light absorption.

ZEBRA Pro All Black is particularly suitable for residential and commercial systems.The elegant total black version with black back and black frame is aesthetically unique as there are no metal wires on the front of the cell.This feature makes it perfect for buildings with high architectural values.

Moreover, its excellent technical characteristics make this product perfect in performance and efficiency for years.ZEBRA Pro is the perfect module for large ground and rooftop PV systems as it maximizes efficiency.

Zebra Pro All Black Series Features:


         Deradedation in 1. of the year < 1,0%

·        99% at year-end

93% at year-end 25

25-letnia product and yield guarantee

·        25-letnia yield guarantee and maximum degradation rate 0,25% per year

·         132 half-cut links Type N IBC - Interdigitated Back Contact

Innovative Zebra technology developed in Europe

Excellent module efficiency up to 21,60%

Completely black appearance without cell ribbons

Excellent temperature coefficient -0,29%/°C

Market leading power stability over time (93% in 25 of the year) %p44 /%

·         Low Hot-Spot risk due to distributed ZEBRA cell connection

·         2 independent sections design provides higher energy efficiency in case of shadowing and minimizes the need for


·         Resistant to LID (Light Induced Degradation) and LeTID


                                                                                                            Improved low-light performance % p59/%

          Better performance at different slopes

% p62/% ·         No shading on the cell thanks to IBC technology

         Solar module with a reduced carbon footprint

·         NEW: Product liability insurance

%p69 /%


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