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HUAWEI Smart Charger-22KT-S0 E-car Charging Station

HUAWEI Smart Charger-22KT-S0 E-car Charging Station

Smart Charger 7/22-S0
  • Виробник: Huawei
  • Максимальний змінний струм: 32 A
  • Тип вилки: Тип 2
  • потужність: 22000 W
  • Series: Smart Charger 7/22-S0
Порівняти пропозицію 8
Починаючи з
585,90 EUR
585,90 EUR +ПДВ
1 шт.
585,90 EUR +ПДВ
1 ×
585,90 EUR +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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Увійдіть, щоб побачити інформацію про постачальника
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Країни призначення:
+22 більше
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Код виробника

HUAWEI Smart Charger-22KT-S0 E-car Charging Station

The HUAWEI Smart Charger-22KT-S0 charging station charges electric cars with up to 22 kW (Three Phase) charging power. The wallbox automatically switches between single-phase and three-phase charging mode. Different modes such as fast charging, surplus charging are selectable and scheduled charging times can be pre-programmed. The HUAWEI Smart Charger-22KT-S0 is compatible with all standard charging cables. The dimensions are 335x180x145mm. The lightweight unit weighs only 3.1kg. Access to the charging station is secured by RFID, Bluetooth and app. A simple configuration of the HUAWEI Smart Charger-22KT-S0, which can be installed both indoors and outdoors, makes commissioning via FusionSolar App very simple.

  • 3 different operation modes selectable: fast charge, surplus charge from PV, scheduled charge time.

  • Compatible with Huawei FusionSolar Inverter & Battery Storage

  • Standalone or in combination with PV system

  • Retrofittable into existing plants

  • Commissioning via FusionSolar App

  • Easy & fast installation in only 3 steps

  • Active load management

  • Cable theft protection by means of E-Lock

  • All-current sensitive residual current detection Type A + DC 6 mA (IEC 62955 & IEC 61008-1) integrated

  • Authentication via RFID (ISO-14443-A), Bluetooth, App

  • Easy configuration, automatic detection of FusionCharge AC

  • Indoor & Outdoor Installation

  • Standalone or in combination with PV system

  • Communication via WLAN or Ethernet

  • Free plant monitoring with FusionSolar (in connection with PV plant)

  • Integrated overvoltage protection TYPE II

  • 2 years warranty

  • Protection class IP54

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