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Huawei three-phase On Grid inverter SUN2000-60KTL-M0, WLAN, 60 kW, 60.000 W

Huawei three-phase On Grid inverter SUN2000-60KTL-M0, WLAN, 60 kW, 60.000 W

  • Виробник: Huawei
  • Номінальна потужність змінного струму: 60000 W
  • Максимальна вхідна напруга: 1100 V
  • вага: 74 kg
  • Series: SUN2000-60KTL-M0
Порівняти пропозицію 2
Починаючи з
3 550,00 EUR
3 879,98 EUR +ПДВ
19 327,73 RON
1 шт.
3 879,98 EUR +ПДВ
19 327,73 RON
1 ×
19 327,73 RON +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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SUN2000-60KTL-M0 is a three-phase On Grid inverter from Huawei and is part of a series of products that use the three-phase circuit topology steps, its maximum yield being up to 98.9 %.The photon test results are A+/A+ both at high irradiance and at medium irradiance.

The 6 MPPT trackers it is equipped with are adaptable and flexible for an extremely high yield of the photovoltaic installations used.The AC and DC lightning protection module and the possibility of natural cooling of the system improve the reliability of the product.Thus, this three-phase inverter has a good adaptability to the environment and can be used both for domestic use and for larger systems, and its use is extremely easy through the screen with LED indicators, WLAN adapter and the FusionSolar application (Android/iOS ).The power of the inverter is 60.0 kW, and the nominal output power is 60.000 W.The degree of protection is guaranteed by the IP66, standard, the inverter being resistant to water and dust.The optimal operating temperature is between -25°C and +60°C.


  • Inverter type: On Grid
  • Inverter phase: three-phase
  • Inverter power category: 50-100 kW
  • Inverter power: 60.0 kW
  • Maximum inverter power: 66.0 kW peak %p18/ %
  • Maximum efficiency: 98.9% @480 V; 98.7% @380 V / 400
  • Inverter wave type: pure sine wave
  • Number of MPPT: 6
  • MPPT working voltage: 200-1000 V
  • Maximum input current: 22 A
  • Maximum input voltage: 1100 V
  • Rated output power: 60.000 W
  • Max output current: 100 A @380 V, 95.3 A %p47/ % V, 79.4 A @480 V
  • Total harmonic distortion: ≤ 3 %
  • Degree of protection: IP65 %p56/ %
  • Dimensions: 107.5 × 55.5 × 30.0 cm
  • Weight: 74 Kg

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