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UPS source 2000VA /1400 w 24V, extended runtime uses two batteries (not included)EAP-1400 last

UPS source 2000VA /1400 w 24V, extended runtime uses two batteries (not included)EAP-1400 last

EAP Ultimate
261,96 EUR +ПДВ
1 302,52 RON
1 шт.
261,96 EUR +ПДВ
1 302,52 RON
1 ×
1 302,52 RON +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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EAP Ultimate

Protection source EAP-1400 Ultimate 2000 VA / 1400W belongs to the range of automated uninterruptible systems, being specially designed to ensure safe operation, for a limited time , of systems with thermal solar panels and/or of solid fuel boilers, in the event of a power outage from the grid.This product can be used as an inverter (with unlimited operation from 24Vcc). sources

The main characteristic is the shape of the electric voltage wave at the output, in the case of operation on the battery, which is purely sinusoidal, i.e. identical to the one existing in the mains.The construction in a robust manner with superior parameters ensures a long-term load operation, proportional to the performance of the batteries used, also having the function of a rectifier for the system battery.In the event of a power failure, the protector confers safety and automatic protection of the solid fuel boiler by instantly supplying the alternating electric current, in order to feed the recirculation pumps.

Its performance is ensured by: toroidal transformer, unlimited time inverter function, complex multiled display, uninterruptible function, pure sine wave, microprocessor control, voltage stabilization function, short circuit and overload protection, protection against mains voltage interruption, fast battery charging, acoustic warning when the mains voltage drops, resistance to voltage and temperature fluctuations.

Other information:

  • battery voltage: 24Vcc;
  • battery charging current: max.10A;
  • load voltage acumulator: 27.2 Vcc ± 0.6V;
  • optimal working temperature: 0  ÷ +40°C;
  • allowed humidity: % p19/% ~ 90% (without condensation);
  • protection: overload, undervoltage, overvoltage.


Technical specifications

BrandEAP UltimateModelEAP-1400Tensiune entry (V)150 - 270 VcaTransformatortoroidalDimensiuni355 x 220 x 250 mmFrequency (Hz)50 - 60Putere (VA)2000Putere (W)1400Iesire230Vac ±1% inverter mode; 230Vac ±8% stabilizer mode Overheating protection Yes Undervoltage protection Yes Overload protection Yes Working temperature (degrees C) between 0 and +40Umiditate operating (%) between 10 and 90%, without condensation Battery voltage %p23 /% battery charge (A) Max. 10Tensiune load baterie27.2 Vcc ± 0.6V

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