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Sun-Earth MONOCRYSTALLINE panel DXM6-60P 375W /30/30 years warranty!
Sun-Earth MONOCRYSTALLINE panel DXM6-60P 375W /30/30 years warranty!

Sun-Earth MONOCRYSTALLINE panel DXM6-60P 375W /30/30 years warranty!

Код виробника
375W- model DXM7-60H mono / czarna rama / half-cut
128,52 EUR +ПДВ
550,00 PLN
1 ×
550,00 PLN +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
базова ціна
128,52 EUR
1 шт.
31+ шт.
87,62 EUR
1 шт.
500,00 PLN
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+22 більше
Час відправлення:
2 днів
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Код виробника
375W- model DXM7-60H mono / czarna rama / half-cut

Sun Earth - manufacturer of high-performance crystalline photovoltaic modules. The company has over 50 years of experience and uses the latest discoveries in the field of semiconductor technology. The trust of customers around the world for Sun Earth products is not only the high quality of products assessed by independent specialists, but also reliability and modern solutions used during the production process. Sun Earth is one of the pioneers in the photovoltaic panel industry, the company was founded in 1966 and since from the beginning of its activity, it dealt with the production of photovoltaic panels for the most demanding applications, including lighthouses, mobile phone stations and photovoltaic farms on markets with the highest quality requirements, e.g. in Japan, USA and Australia. Main features:

  • Monocrystalline technology

  • Power 375W with dimensions of 1768x1048x35mm

  • Module efficiency: 20.2%!

  • PERC technology

  • Black aluminum frame

  • No PID effect

  • The highest quality and durability

  • Excellent fire resistance (class C)

  • Snow load resistance: 5400Pa

  • 300mm long wires

  • 30/30 year warranty

Detailed technical data in the catalog card. Pallet: 31 pcs. - when buying a full palette, a discount!

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