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FRONIUS Gen24 10.0 Plus

FRONIUS Gen24 10.0 Plus

2 314,63 EUR +ПДВ
9 900,00 PLN
1 шт.
2 314,63 EUR +ПДВ
9 900,00 PLN
1 ×
9 900,00 PLN +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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FRONIUS Gen24 10.0 Plus - Hybrid inverter 10 kW

Fronius Symo %p10 /% Plus is the ideal hybrid inverter for private households.With numerous features as standard, this three-phase device meets all customer needs.

GEN24 Plus meets all expectations thanks to countless functions such as energy management , the ability to connect to a WLAN network as standard, % p7/% Ethernet and exceptionally easy integration of third-party components .The device provides the highest degree of security power supply in the event of a failure, in particular thanks to the PV Point options - an integrated socket powered in the event of an emergency power supply.

It convinces with its light and compact design, active cooling concept and quick and simple installation and commissioning.The service concept, which allows the replacement of individual parts, also guarantees easy repairs and contributes to sustainable development.

Compatible batteries: BYD Battery-Box Premium HVS/HVM

Parameters %p9 /%

Installation indoors and outdoors

AC voltage range (Umin - Umax) 154-280 V

Nom. AC output current (400Vac) 14,5 A

Overvoltage category (DC/AC) : 2/3

Max. AC output current 16,4 A

Max. short-circuit current of module bay 37,5 / 18,5 A

AC rated power (Pac,r) 10 kW

Max. output power (Pac max) 10 kVA

Emergency power 3~NPE 400 V / 230 V

Nom. AC current at output (380Vac) 15,2 A

Mains connection (Uac,r) 3~NPE 400/230, 3~NPE 380/220 V

% p51/% Max. power drawn from the network 10 000 VA

Dimensions 595 mm x 529 mm x 180 mm

%p60 /% Frequency range (fmin - fmax) 45-66 Hz

Degree of protection IP66

Protection class: 1

%p69/ % Compatible batteries: BYD Battery-Box Premium HVS/HVM

DC input voltage range (Udc min – Udc max) 80-1000V

Weight: 23,38 kg

Emergency power function: PV Point, Full

Max. input current (Idc max) 25 / 12,5 A

Manufacturer code 4958955583726

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