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FoxESS T25 - G3 with a power of 25 kW

FoxESS T25 - G3 with a power of 25 kW

T Series (G3)
  • Виробник: Fox Ess
  • Номінальна потужність змінного струму: 25000 W
  • Євро Ефективність: 97.8 %
  • Максимальна ефективність: 98.6 %
  • Series: T Series (G3)
Порівняти пропозицію 30
Починаючи з
817,49 EUR
895,43 EUR +ПДВ
3 832,63 PLN
1 шт.
895,43 EUR +ПДВ
3 832,63 PLN
1 ×
3 832,63 PLN +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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FoxESS T25 - G3 with a power of 25 kW


FoxESS is a world leader in the production of photovoltaic inverters. During the production process of energy storage solutions, it uses the latest standards, resulting in devices with advanced functions and characterized by high efficiency and reliability during operation.

The FoxESS T25 - G3 photovoltaic inverter (inverter) with a power of 25 kW is a 3-phase device that will provide the user with maximum efficiency, reliability and long operating life. Moreover, the proposed FoxESS T 25-G3 inverter with a power of 25 kW is characterized by high quality of workmanship, which is ensured by the components of leading brands used during the production process. This significantly affects the quality and service life of the inverter. The FoxESS inverter has a unique heat sink and cooling fins that are integrated with the housing, ensuring optimal contact with heat-generating components. The cooling fins are designed in the shape of a star, this shape provides a larger surface, which in turn increases the cooling effect. Inverters manufactured by FOX ESS are the result of interesting and innovative solutions that directly affect their efficiency and the operating culture of the device. The numerous operational advantages and additional functions of the proposed T25-G3 3-phase inverter are an additional reason for great interest among installers and users.

The photovoltaic inverter has numerous certificates for the Polish market, which are used in installations. The manufacturer provides a 12-year warranty for the dedicated device. FoxESS has a representative office in Poland and guarantees service availability.

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