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Solar heater for boiler heating 3,3kW

Solar heater for boiler heating 3,3kW

880,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 шт.
880,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 ×
880,00 EUR +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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What is special about this solar heater?

This set is durable, it will serve for many years to heat the boiler.
- Simple self-assembly solar heater.
- Does not require maintenance compared to solar collectors.
- Quick payback, low price.

 Is this kit durable?

The question often arises as to how long it will last.
- The photomodules themselves last a very long time, they can work even for 40 years or more.
- The electronic set-top box will work reliably if you follow the manufacturer's requirements.
- It is important not to overdo it and not to install more modules than specified by the manufacturer.

 When will it pay off compared to an electric boiler?

For example, a family of four and a 200l boiler can consume hot water for 100 euros per month. or even 200 euros.
- We multiply by 7 months of operation and get 200eur x 7 months. = 1,400 euros saved per year.
- If the set costs 2000 euros, it means that the payback will be a little over one year.

 Is it possible, easy to install yourself?

The set can be installed by yourself.
- The set is installed quite easily, no programming is required.
- The controller cables are enough to plug and work.
- You can install the modules on the roof, on the wall, or on the ground.
- Solar photo modules have an aluminum frame that can be easily attached to any structure.
- It is also possible to install with the original installation structure, but it needs to be adapted to your coating.
- We recommend installing it yourself, but we can also install it ourselves.

 What can this widget be used for?

For electric boilers.
- For a kettle, for heating water.
- For electrical appliances.
- Electric mats.
- For electric floor heating.

 Kits controller, modules?

Solar-PV 4 – 1.9 kw;
- Solar PV 5 – 2.4 kw;
- Solar PV 6 – 2.9 kw;
- Solar PV 7 – 3.3 kw.

Technical parameters of the heater controller:

Maximum power: 3000W.
- Operating limits from PV modules: 120VDC ~ 350VDC.
- Operating limits of electrical networks: 120 – 245VAC/50Hz.
- Maximum power from PV solar modules: 14A.
- Modified sine at controller output.
- Output operating frequency: 50Hz.
- PV module connectors: MC4.
- Two load output sockets: 2 pcs.
- Protection against overheating: 100°C.
- Working temperature: 25°C ÷ 55°C.
- Working efficiency:>94%.
- Cooling: active.
- Protection class: IP21.
- Dimensions: 311x232x140mm.
- Weight: 3.3kg.

Complete with JINKO 475w solar panels.
The set does not include: installation structure, cables, installation work.

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