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Tee with AC cable 3F HMT Hoymiles

Tee with AC cable 3F HMT Hoymiles

Код виробника
52,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 шт.
52,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 ×
52,00 EUR +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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Код виробника

Tee with AC cable 3F for creating a connection network of three-phase microinverters of the HMT Hoymiles series.

Complete one section of cable for networking three-phase micro inverters  Hoymiles HMT models .

It consists of a tee and a 12 AWG cable with a core cross-section of 4 mm2 and a length of 3,05 m.The cable is used to build a network with a spacing of connectors equal to the length of the section.

To build a network on Hoymiles HMT series microinverters using a 12 AWG cable, you should take into account the maximum number of devices that can work together in such a network.  In the case of the HMT-1800-6T microinverter it is 7 pieces, in the case of the HMT-2250-6T model 6 pieces is allowed.

Before installation , you should adapt the ready-made set consisting of 14 tees connected with a cable to the required number of devices.The remaining part of the cable is cut off from the whole.The next step is to proceed as in the case of normal connection of the string to the protection box.To use the rest of the cable, it must be resized to the required number of microinverters.For this purpose, a special key is used to open the T-piece and a dedicated cap on one of the sides.  ATTENTION.   Do not open the tee with any tool, as it may be damaged, which will lead to leakage and, consequently, to network failure.In the case of Hoymiles accessories  always use dedicated accessories .

Maximum voltage [V] 600

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