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Solar photovoltaic panel HYUNDAI HiE-S480VI, monocrystalline, IP67, 480W, efficiency 20.5%, Pallet
Solar photovoltaic panel HYUNDAI HiE-S480VI, monocrystalline, IP67, 480W, efficiency 20.5%, Pallet
Solar photovoltaic panel HYUNDAI HiE-S480VI, monocrystalline, IP67, 480W, efficiency 20.5%, Pallet

Solar photovoltaic panel HYUNDAI HiE-S480VI, monocrystalline, IP67, 480W, efficiency 20.5%, Pallet

180,52 EUR +ПДВ
897,65 RON
1 шт.
180,52 EUR +ПДВ
897,65 RON
1 ×
897,65 RON +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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Hyundai Photovoltaic Panel PALLET - - 31 pcs x 480 Wp Mono: HiE-S480VI Hyundai Photovoltaic Panel PALLET - 14,880 Kwp - 31 pcs x 480 Wp Mono: HiE-S480VI, efficiency 20,5 %.Product code: HiE-S480VI The configuration in M6 PERC technology offers a very high efficiency, with better performances in low sunlight.PID cover protection Mechanical resistance.Complete elimination of light-induced degradation and PID or potential-induced degradation to ensure higher actual energy production during operation.The glass and reinforced frame construction withstands harsh conditions such as heavy snow and strong wind.Corrosion resistance UL VDE laboratory tested.Tested in harsh environmental conditions such as ammonia and salt vapour.The Hyundai Research and Development Center is an accredited testing laboratory with UL and VDE certification.Hyundai warranty 20 years product warranty performance warranty 25 years Certifications IEC 61215, IEC 61730 ISO 9001: 2015 Quality management systems.ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental management systems.OHSAS 18001: 2007 Occupational health and safety management systems.IEC TS 62941: 2016 Terrestrial photovoltaic modules.Guidelines for increasing confidence in the design, qualification and approval of photovoltaic modules.What is PERC technology?The acronym PERC stands for Passive Emitter Rear Cell, which means that a reflective layer (Dielectric Layer) is placed that allows the maximum use of radiation.A conventional photovoltaic cell is made up of the following layers: Emitter layer: it consists of the silicon layer located on the upper surface of the cell, therefore it is the layer most exposed to radiation.Base layer: intermediate silicon layer that is in contact both with the emitting layer and with the aluminum layer.Rear surface area: lower aluminum surface.It is the deepest layer of a photovoltaic cell PERC technology consists in adding an extra layer to this common construction of photovoltaic cells.This layer consists of placing a passive dielectric material between the aluminum layer and the silicon base layer, which allows the infrared light electrons not to penetrate the aluminum layer, but to be reflected and return between the respective layer and the base layer and the emitter which generates , therefore current.DOWNLOAD THE TECHNICAL SHEET

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