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Solis-EPM3-5G - Export Manager 5G

Solis-EPM3-5G - Export Manager 5G

238,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 шт.
238,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 ×
238,00 EUR +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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The Solis-EPM3-5G is a three-phase export power manager that is designed to be used with Solis inverters. It allows you to adjust the export settings to comply with local grid regulations and maximize self-consumption. It is also equipped with a built-in web server and mobile app for easy monitoring and control.

Here are some of the key features of the Solis-EPM3-5G:

  • Three-phase power measurement

  • Real-time power consumption and export monitoring

  • Adjustable export power limit

  • Built-in web server and mobile app

  • Wi-Fi and Ethernet connectivity

  • Modbus RTU communication

  • IP65 enclosure

The Solis-EPM3-5G is a valuable tool for maximizing the efficiency and performance of your solar PV system. It is easy to install and use, and it comes with a 5-year warranty.

If you are looking for a three-phase export power manager that is compatible with Solis inverters, the Solis-EPM3-5G is a great option. It is packed with features and offers excellent value for money.

Here are some additional details about the Solis-EPM3-5G:

  • Power rating: 5kW

  • Voltage range: 200-550VAC

  • Current range: 10-32A

  • Accuracy: 0.5%

  • Dimensions: 220 x 145 x 70mm

  • Weight: 2.5kg

The Solis-EPM3-5G is a great choice for homeowners and businesses who want to maximize the efficiency of their solar PV systems. It is easy to install and use, and it comes with a 5-year warranty.

Here are some of the benefits of using the Solis-EPM3-5G:

  • Increased self-consumption: The Solis-EPM3-5G can help you to increase your self-consumption of solar energy by adjusting the export settings to meet your needs. This can save you money on your electricity bills.

  • Reduced grid connection costs: The Solis-EPM3-5G can help you to reduce your grid connection costs by optimizing the power output of your solar PV system. This can make your solar PV system more affordable.

  • Improved system performance: The Solis-EPM3-5G can help you to improve the performance of your solar PV system by monitoring and controlling the power output. This can help to ensure that your system is operating at its optimum efficiency.

If you are looking for a way to maximize the efficiency and performance of your solar PV system, the Solis-EPM3-5G is a great option. It is easy to install and use, and it comes with a 5-year warranty.

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