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FoxAIR Monobloc Heat Pump 9kW GL-9-1 (R290 Propane)

FoxAIR Monobloc Heat Pump 9kW GL-9-1 (R290 Propane)

Fox Air
Код виробника
FoxAIR 9kW GL-9-1
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Fox Air
Код виробника
FoxAIR 9kW GL-9-1

FoxAir Heat Pump

FoxAIR Green Line Heat Pump 9kW 1-fazowa R290 is an efficient and ecological device designed for heating, cooling and production of hot utility water.The presented model is equipped with a water-air mechanism.

Technical parameters of the product

The device operates at voltage 230V and frequency 50Hz.The IPX4 class used is a proof of impeccable resistance to moisture.The maximum input power reaches 3kW, and the peak input current reaches 13,5A.The HIGHLY compressor and the SHIMGE circulation pump are significant advantages.These elements ensure high efficiency and energy efficiency.

The FoxAIR 9kW 1-fazowa heat pump definitely stands out due to its ecological values.The manufacturer used the refrigerant in the form of propane R290,, which does not harm the environment.Also noteworthy is the small equivalent of CO2 at the level of 0,0015 tonne.

The device has one fan with a DC motor.This component has a speed ranging from 300 to 600 rpm.The sound pressure at a distance of 1 meter is 42 dB(A).In turn, the sound power level reaches the value of 57dB,, so compliance with the EN12102. standard is maintained.The 9kW FoxAIR monoblock heat pump has a casing made of galvanized sheet metal and ASA.

Technical specifications:

  • Power supply: 230V~/50Hz

  • % p11/%

    Resistance to wilgoć: IPX4

  • Max. input power: 3,0kW

  • Max. input current: 13,5A

  • Water flow: 1m³/h

  • %p32 /% Refrigerant / Refrigerant quantity: R290 / 0,5kg

  • Equivalent CO2: 0,0015 tons

    %p42/ %
  • Sound pressure (1m): 42 dB(A)

  • Sound power level (EN12102): 57dB

  • Net weight: 80kg

  • Working pressure (low side): 0,8MPa

  • Working pressure (high side): 3,0MPa

  • Device dimensions (length/ width/height): 1167×407×795mm

  • Transport dimensions (length/ width/height): 1300×485×940mm

  • Compressor: HIGHLY

  • Circulation pump: SHIMGE %p9 /%

  • Ambient temperature during operation: -25~43°C

  • Number of fans: 1

  • Fan motor type: DC motor

  • Fan motor power range (min~maks.): 55~105W

    %p29/ %
  • Fan speed (rpm)/min): 300~600RPM

  • Water connection: 1 cal

  • Internal water pressure drop (at rated flow): 40kPa

  • Pump head obiegowej: 7,5m

  • Housing type: Sheet metal ocynkowana+ASA

Heating conditions - ambient temperature (DB/WB): 7/6°C, Temp. water (Input/Output): 30/35°C:

  • Capacity range grzewczej: 3,10~8,90kW

  • % p37/% Power input range grzewczej: 0,65~2,10kW

  • Mode current input range grzewczym: 2,9~9,2A

%p47/ % Cooling conditions - ambient temperature (DB/WB): 35/24°C, Temp. water (Input/Output): 12/7°C:

  • Cooling capacity range: 1,20~5,72kW

  • %p59/ %

    Cooling power input range: 0,65~2,40kW

  • Cooling current input range: 2,9~10,5A

  • % p69/%

    Working conditions with hot water - ambient temperature (DB/WB): 20/15°C, Temp. water (Input/Output): 15/55°C:

    • Capacity range for hot water: 3,92~10,68kW

    • % p82/%

      Hot input power range wody: 0,78~2,47kW

    • Hot current input range wody: 3,4~10,8A

    • % p92/%

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