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All-in-one energy storage system DEYE-AI-W5.1-12P3-EU-ESS (LV) incl. 2x battery modules and 5.12 kWh

All-in-one energy storage system DEYE-AI-W5.1-12P3-EU-ESS (LV) incl. 2x battery modules and 5.12 kWh

Код виробника
AI-W5.1-12P3-EU-ESS (LV)
3 899,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 шт.
3 899,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 ×
3 899,00 EUR +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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AI-W5.1-12P3-EU-ESS (LV)

All-in-one energy storage system DEYE-AI-W5.1-12P3-EU-ESS (LV) incl. 2x battery modules a 5.12 kWh

All in one design, integrated %p6/ % kW three-phase hybrid inverter and battery.

Modular lithium iron phosphate battery, capacity from 5 to 30 kWh, scalable and safe

Fast switching time of 4 ms for your energy security

DEYE-AI-W5.1-12P3-EU-ESS (LV) | 12kw inverter | All-in-one energy storage system incl. 2x battery modules a 5.12 kWh

All-in-one energy storage system AI-W5.1-ESS (LV)

% p19/% Welcome to the future of energy management with our ground-breaking all-in-one energy storage system AI-W5.1-ESS (LV).This innovative system is designed to optimize your energy consumption while allowing effortless integration into your home or business.Compared to conventional energy storage systems, we offer you decisive advantages:

Key features:

Integrated design:

Combine power and efficiency with our integrated 12 kW three-phase hybrid inverter and modular lithium iron phosphate battery.Unlike conventional systems, we reduce space requirements and installation complexity with our all-in-one design.

User-friendly control:

Enjoy easy control over your energy system from anywhere.Use the convenient app, your PC or the intuitive touch display for effortless operation.Compared to traditional systems, we offer a user-friendly interface that doesn't require complex operating procedures.

Intelligent applications:

Optimize your energy efficiency with advanced applications such as Peak Shaving and Smart Load.Our system intelligently adapts to your needs to ensure maximum performance.Unlike conventional systems, we offer a wide range of intelligent functions for customized energy management.

Modular battery:

Customize the storage capacity to your requirements.The modular lithium iron phosphate battery offers a flexible capacity of 5 to 30 kWh that is easily scalable and safe.Compared to fixed capacities of conventional batteries, we offer the freedom of customization.

Space-saving design:

Save space and time during installation.Our flat and stackable design allows for floor mounting without the hassle of cabling and additional mounting screws.Unlike traditional systems, we offer easy and quick installation without the need for additional fasteners.

Fast switching time:

Your energy security comes first.With an impressive switching time of just 4 ms, our system ensures responsive and reliable power control.Compared to conventional systems, we offer an improved response time for maximum safety.

Why AI-W5.1-ESS (LV)?

Our all-in-one energy storage system redefines the standards by combining advanced technologies, ease of use and flexibility in one elegant package.Experience the future of energy management - buy now and take control of your energy!

WEEE Reg.No.DE22791629

in accordance with the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG)

%p9 /%

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