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K502 Ground Structure for 8 Modules
K502 Ground Structure for 8 Modules
K502 Ground Structure for 8 Modules
K502 Ground Structure for 8 Modules
K502 Ground Structure for 8 Modules

K502 Ground Structure for 8 Modules

465,56 EUR +ПДВ
1 989,52 PLN
1 шт.
465,56 EUR +ПДВ
1 989,52 PLN
1 ×
1 989,52 PLN +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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The K502 ground structure from K500, adapted to install 8 photovoltaic modules, is characterized by the following features:

System Type and Module Arrangement: The K502 structure is designed for vertical mounting, allowing two rows of modules to be installed at a 30° angle. For 8 photovoltaic modules, this configuration ensures optimal use of space and energy efficiency.

Installation Tools: Installation of the K502 system requires the use of a special K500 demolition hammer die with an SDS HEX quick connector, which facilitates field installation without the need for heavy equipment.

Construction Elements: The construction includes various elements, such as legs of various lengths and add-on front and rear legs, adapted to different versions of the K502 system. The maximum length of the module ranges from 1650 mm to 2080 mm, which allows for flexible adaptation to the dimensions of 8 photovoltaic modules​​.

Assembly and Settings: The minimum depth of the structure legs is 1000 mm. In case of uneven terrain, the depth of the legs should be adjusted in such a way that all the legs are evenly leveled, while maintaining the required foundation depth. You should also ensure that the leg kill level allows you to achieve the required angle of inclination of the modules and the appropriate height of the bottom edge of the modules above ground level. The arrangement of the legs of the structure depends on the length and width of the modules used, and the modules should not protrude beyond the outline of the legs by more than 350 mm.

The K502 design is particularly suitable for home installations where limited space and the inability to use heavy machinery require a flexible and stable mounting solution.

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