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JA Solar 325 Wp
JA Solar 325 Wp
JA Solar 325 Wp
JA Solar 325 Wp

JA Solar 325 Wp

Ja Solar
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Ja Solar

JAM60S17-325L-HC-BK are 120 cells from the start of the wash of 325.Modules with cutting technology are used to innovate the semi-cut cell and are therefore meant to be able to function properly.Dimensions of this solar panel with full black panel are 1689 x 996 x 35 mm.The YES Solar panoramic solar view benefits from a production standard from 12 years to guarantee performance from 25 years.Features JAM60S17-325L-HC-BK 193 Wp/m2 Mono 120 the cells Up to Negro Black frame MC4 1689x996x35mm Solar panels JA Solar of the best quality YES Solar is an established name in the industry and is used to produce panoramic solar panels in the world.If you have a panoramic solar panel with an integrated world in the 120 degrees, you will see that your face is the same as the producer of the 1 level of the natural surface.The brand is known for its excellent high efficiency panels such as the Percium (mono) modules.These, with a panoramic solar system integrate SolarEdge Power Optimizer,

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