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ROTENSO heat pump 8 kW Aquami Mono AQM80x1

ROTENSO heat pump 8 kW Aquami Mono AQM80x1

Код виробника
2 192,69 EUR +ПДВ
9 382,20 PLN
1 шт.
2 192,69 EUR +ПДВ
9 382,20 PLN
1 ×
9 382,20 PLN +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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Країни призначення:
+22 більше
Час відправлення:
1 день
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Код виробника

Rotenso Aquami Monoblock AQM8OX1 are heat pumps in which the cooling and hydraulic modules are located in one compact device housing.

This makes pump installation easier and faster.It does not require additional space for the hydraulic module inside the building.

The two-door design of the pump casing provides easy access to all its components, and the user interface allows for simple and quick parameter changes and real-time monitoring.

The modern design of Rotenso Heat Pumps and their high operating efficiency even at low temperatures make them an ideal solution for heating homes, shops, service premises and offices.

  • Nominal heating power: 8 kW

  • Class energy: A+++ (for 35°C) / A++ (for 55°C)

  • Factor COP: up to 5,15

  • Operation in extreme conditions up to – 25°C

  • % p31/%

    Max water temperature in heating mode: 65°C

  • Max water temperature in DHW mode: % p40/% 60°C

  • Independent control of two heating circuits

  • Flexible power electric heater 9kW (3+3+3)

  • Drip tray and compressor crankcase heater

  • Certificates: Eurovent, SG Ready

Pumps produced in the monoblock system do not require F-gas licenses and can be installed independently.

The basic condition for obtaining the 5 summer warranty is the installation of the heat pump by an Authorized Installer and the first start-up by the Authorized Heat Pump Service.

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