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SUNTREE Firefighter Safety Switch S-ISOH-40-1/2

SUNTREE Firefighter Safety Switch S-ISOH-40-1/2

139,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 ×
139,00 EUR +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
базова ціна
139,00 EUR
1 шт.
10+ шт.
129,00 EUR
1 шт.
30+ шт.
119,00 EUR
1 шт.
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+22 більше
Час відправлення:
2 днів
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Introducing SUNTREE's premium Firefighter Safety Switch designed for PV installations. With this product, you can ensure the utmost safety and protection for your solar power setup. Here are some key features that make it a must-have for any solar installation:

In Stock and Ready to Ship: You won't have to wait for your safety switch; it's in stock and ready to be delivered to your doorstep.

Housing Designed for Durability: SUNTREE's safety switch is built to withstand the elements, with an IP65 rating for protection against dust and water, as well as resistance to harmful UV rays.

Multiple String Support: This safety switch is designed to handle 2 strings of solar panels, making it versatile for various installation setups.

High Current Capacity: With a capacity of up to 40A, this switch can efficiently handle the power generated by your solar panels.

High Voltage Compatibility: It's capable of handling voltages of up to 1500V, ensuring that your system operates safely even at higher voltage levels.

Certified Safety: SUNTREE's safety switch comes with CE certification, assuring you of its compliance with stringent safety standards.

Remote Control via Mobile App: Control and monitor your PV installation remotely through a dedicated mobile app for added convenience and peace of mind.

Shutdown Feedback Signal: Receive immediate feedback in the event of a shutdown, allowing you to quickly address any issues.

Long-lasting Reliability: With a mechanical life cycle of 10,000 cycles, this switch is built to last, providing consistent and reliable performance over time.

Temperature Protection: It features an automatic shutdown mechanism when temperatures exceed 70°C, safeguarding your system from overheating.

Comprehensive Isolator Certification: The isolator is certified by CE, CB, TUV, and SAA, ensuring it meets the highest industry standards.

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