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Accumulator LiFePo4 Deye 5.12kWh SE-G5.1 Pro

Accumulator LiFePo4 Deye 5.12kWh SE-G5.1 Pro

1 370,08 EUR +ПДВ
6 811,76 RON
1 шт.
1 370,08 EUR +ПДВ
6 811,76 RON
1 ×
6 811,76 RON +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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This series of lithium iron phosphate batteries is part of the new energy storage products developed and produced by Deye, it can be used to provide reliable power for various types of equipment and systems.It is especially suitable for scenes with high power, limited installation space, restricted loading and long life cycle.The battery has a BMS (Battery Management System), which can manage and monitor cell information including voltage, current and temperature.Moreover, the BMS can balance the charging and discharging of the cells to extend the cycle life.Multiple batteries can be connected in parallel to expand capacity and power in parallel for higher capacity requirements and longer power sustaining times.The lithium battery is one of the best options for any battery management system involving solar panels and multiple batteries because they have excellent energy storage capacity.The lithium setup adequately supports any solar system and has an excellent performance and safety rate, improving usable capacity.The battery life is also impressive and maintenance-free if the user follows the recommended charging cycle.Lifepo4 solar battery is an abbreviation for lithium iron phosphate battery, which is our company's best-selling battery for any solar system and renewable energy sources in residential or commercial places.Convenient Weight The lithium battery weighs only 45 kg, which makes it easy to work with the lithium battery during installation for various projects.The weight also makes it possible to get the best arrangements to achieve the desired results.Depth of Discharge Rating The percent depth of discharge rating for these lithium batteries is 90%.This is really impressive for this large battery model and one of the reasons why they are always in demand.Working temperature The charging speed of the batteries is excellent in the temperature range of 0 to 55 degrees.Also, the discharge rate is perfect in a temperature range of -20 to 55 degrees.In addition to that, it is recommended to keep the battery bank at a storage temperature of 0 degrees to 35 degrees.This ensures cycle expectations are met and storage compromise is prevented.Also, the most suitable humidity conditions for this battery are between 5% and 95%.Adherence to these specifications will ensure a longer battery life.Working Altitude Another reason why these batteries perform so well and are in high demand is their ability to work efficiently at high altitudes.These batteries are ideal for use at altitudes up to 1900 m.Housing IP Rating To increase lifespan and ensure no compromises occur during shipping, it is essential to purchase batteries with an excellent IP housing rating.The IP rating simply means that the case is secure enough to prevent dust from destroying the products inside.Scalable installations Customers can buy any amount of batteries they need for projects, as they can be arranged in scalable groups.The maximum battery pack can accommodate 64 batteries, producing up to 327 kW in a parallel connection.There is also an arrangement of 32 groups for smaller projects.

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