Довідковий центр

Довідковий центр

Список атрибутів у файлах merXu (.xls, .xlsx або .csv)

List of attributes

Please note the attributes we have described as required. Their correct completion is a prerequisite for starting the sale after importing the file.

Other attributes enrich the offer.

attribute name description
 required field

Code assigned by the retailer; must be unique and used for 1 product only

one code = one product

If you mistakenly assign the same code to two or more  products, this will result in file import errors and errors in  the descriptions and parameters of your products.

 required field
The product name shown in the list of offers available to  buyers or in search results.
 category path on merXu
Example: Electrical engineering/Lighting/Light sources/LED lamps 

Limitation to 3000 characters
The product description displays as simple, continuous  text. Use HTML tags to format it attractively.
If you provide the description in several languages,
add a new column with a two-letter language code suffix:

description-pl, description-en

 manufacturer's name
Examples: Philips, Bosch, Makita
 manufacturer_product_id Global, catalogue manufacturer code.
If you are the manufacturer and you list your products on  merXu, you can use the catalogue code as supplier code  (manufacturer_product_id = supplier_product_id).
 european commodity code
Barcode according to:
 production_country Enter the two-letter code for the country of origin of your  product here.
Use capital letters.
 main_image_url The URL of the main image or the name of the file or path of the file you will  attach when importing the CSV. If you do not indicate a main image, we will insert here the first image from th other_images_urls column. Examples: the URL, image.jpg, product-images/image.jpg
 additional images
Limit: 10 images
The field should contain URL address or names of attached additional image files or paths of the files separated by semicolon ";"
 product film
You can also add a promotional video to the product  gallery, showing the advantages, properties of the product. To the sheet, in the column video_youtube, enter   the URL (link) of the video from YouTube.
 etim_class If you use this classification for your products, you can  provide the etim code on file.
 required field
The price in which you sell a product can be expressed in one currency: PLN, CZK or EUR.
 required field
Net price of your product; record only with separator '.' or continuous:
checkbox 1/0. If you check this box by entering "1", your  bid price will remain hidden.
 required field
VAT is a clear integer, e.g. 23 (not 23% or 8%).
The default unit of sale is the piece. If you want to change  it, enter the appropriate value - the unit symbol. You can  choose from: m, m2, m3, l, kg.
 what quantity of goods the indicated price   refers to
Example: if the price of 100zl applies to 5 drill bits, enter  "5" in price_quantity. We will present the price for 1 drill in  the offer.
 multiple of sales
Example: You want to sell tubes of glue in cartons of 12.    You may indicate a price of 10 PLN per carton and set        order_increment equal to "12". Then the customer will be    able to choose to buy 12, 24, 36 etc.

1 - product is in stock and is ready to ship it to buyers as soon as the order is processed

0 - product is not in stock but can be ordered. 

Products with in_stock=1 will be marked on offer page and listings as "ready to ship"

Required attributes


Supplier product code (required field)

This is the most important attribute in the file. MerXu recognises your products using this parameter. You as a supplier establish and assign this code to your products.

The supplier product code can be of any character - that is, it can consist of letters and numbers; it can be EAN, or you can use a global manufacturer code. The supplier product code also has no required number of characters.

The key is that it should be unique, i.e. assigned to your one specific product, and not repeated in your product catalogue, even after a long time.

If you mistakenly assign the same code to two or more products, this will result in file import errors and errors in the descriptions and parameters of your products.


name (required field)

The product name shown in the list of offers available to buyers or in search results.

You can make a name available in several languages. In this case, add a separate column and its name should be extended with a two-letter code of the language you use:

Polish - pl, English - en Czech - cs, Estonian - et, Lithuanian - lt, Slovak - sk, Romanian - ro, Hungarian - hu, German - de.

Examples: name-en, name-cs, name-et, name-pl.

Use lower case letters.

(ISO 639-1)

Field with character limitation: maximum of 255 characters for the name in each language.

Attributes that require a value of "1" or "0" to be indicated on the line will also appear in this section.

"1" means "yes", for example: activate, share, hide, allow.

"0" means "no", for example: withhold, do not share.


currency (required field)

The price in which you sell a product can be expressed in one currency: PLN, CZK, RON, HUF or EUR.

In the field, insert the three-letter currency code according to ISO 4217. A list of currency codes can be found here:

You can sell in different currencies. Treat a product with a different currency as a separate offer: give it a separate, unique supplier_product_id and indicate the selected currency in the corresponding field.

The slide shows how to record data for the same item (name, ean code) sold in different currencies:



net price (required field)

The net offer price for the product. Note the way it is written:

  • Write the total price in a string, without using spaces or other characters;
  • You can write a partial price (for example, with pennies) using only a full stop as a separator.

For example: 10000, 120.50, 399.99

Please note - even if you choose to list with the hidden_price option, please complete this field and indicate e.g. the list price of the product.


VAT rate for the product

VAT is a clear integer e.g. 23 (not 23% or 8%). The attribute name must be written in lower case.

General attributes enrich the offer

Attributes that require a value of "1" or "0" to be indicated on the line will also appear in this section.

"1" means "yes", for example: activate, share, hide, allow.

"0" means "no", for example: withhold, do not share.


category path on merXu

In the file, you have the option to provide a full, detailed category path for your products, for example:

Electrical engineering / Lighting / Light sources / LED lamps

Completing this parameter is important - it allows us to correctly link your product to the relevant category in merXu. Products will not be categorised automatically - indicating the path therefore helps us to classify them manually.

Field limited to 255 characters; you can use "/" and other special characters to separate subsequent path segments.


product description

The product description displays as simple, continuous text. To format it attractively, use HTML tags. Check the tags we use at: Sample description text with bullets:

<ul>The set includes:



<li>drill bit set</li>


Remember that you can also provide a description in multiple languages. As in the case of the additional name field in another language, add a separate column and extend the name with a suffix with the two-letter code of the language you use:

Polish - pl, Czech - cz, Estonian - et, Lithuanian - lt, Slovak - sk.

Examples: description-en, description-sk, description-lt.

Use lower case. Limit to 3000 characters.

(ISO 639-1) 


manufacturer's name

Examples: Philips, Bosch, Makita


manufacturer's code

Global, catalogue code of the manufacturer. It is public in nature and serves to identify the product globally.

If you are the manufacturer and you list your products on merXu, you can use the catalogue code as the supplier code (manufacturer_product_id = supplier_product_id).


european product code

Barcode according to:


country of production

Enter here the two-letter code for the country of origin of your product, for example PL for products from Poland, DE for German, CE for Canadian, etc.

Use capital letters.  See the link for a list of codes - this is the part of the table described by alpha-2.

(ISO 3166-1)


main picture

The main product image will be visible in the search results - in the list of offers.

You can upload photos in two ways:

  • by specifying the URL of the main image in the table if you have a public image database and make it available to merXu for download:

Spreadsheet: example of main_image_url column with completed main image URLs for 2 products:


  • by entering the name of the photo file in the table. You will add these photos to our server when uploading the file in the "Product catalogue".

Please note that the image file name you provide in the table must contain an extension indicating the type of image file. We accept the following files: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png. It is also important that you enter the exact name of the image file in the sheet. The file name must be case-sensitive (this also applies to the file extension).

In the example you see a file for the main photo with the indicated extension .jpg.

Spreadsheet: main_image_url column with saved .jpg file name. The image will be added to the product from within your merXu account.


  • by entering the path of the file in the table

If you want to upload all images together in one folder, the folder name must be specified in the sheet before the image file name.  The column value must look like: folder_name/image_name. Example: product-images/image.jpg

Please note that the path of the image file name you provide in the table must contain an extension indicating the type of image file. We accept the following files: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png. It is also important that you enter the exact name of the image file in the sheet. The file name must be case-sensitive (this also applies to the file extension).

If the main image is missing from your file, we will insert the first image from the additional images in the other_images_urls column in its place.

Technical requirements and criteria for the main and additional photograph:

  • Maximum image resolution: 2560 x 2560 pixels
  • Minimum image resolution: 500 x 500 pixels
  • Accepted image format: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png
  • Maximum image size: 10 MB
  • The photo should only show the product, on a solid background, without borders
  • The product should occupy 80-90% of the photo space, which should show as much of its details as possible
  • Images must not contain copyright marks, watermarks or reflections

Please note that we download the photos of an item before listing it. So if you use product images hosted on an external server and update them on that server, they will not be updated automatically on merXu.



additional pictures

Limit: 10 images

The field should contain URL address or names of attached additional image files or paths of the files separated by semicolon ";"

Spreadsheet, column other_images_urls completed with names of 3 additional images


A kiegészítő fotóknak ugyanazoknak a kritériumoknak és technikai követelményeknek kell megfelelniük, mint a fő fotónak. A fotók mutathatják a terméket használat közben, közeli felvételeket a fontos funkciókról, a terméket különböző szögekből (különböző oldalakról), a termék csomagolását, a dobozból kivett tartozékokat, a termék átalakulását - összehajtva, kihajtva, kinyitva, lezárva stb.


product video

You can also add a promotional video to the product gallery, showing the advantages, properties of the product. To the sheet, in the column video_youtube, enter the URL (link) of the video from YouTube.


If you use this classification for your products, you can provide the etim code on file.

The classification applies to sectors such as: Electrical engineering, Building materials, Heating and plumbing and Tools.

ETIM classification:

Example: EC001743


Checkbox 1/0. If you check this box by entering "1", your bid price will remain hidden.

Please note that offers with a hidden price may be presented at the bottom of the list of available offers:


Price ranges

You can use the attributes discussed in a moment if you want to make the purchase price dependent on the size of the order.

For one product you can define five such ranges by adding more columns with price ranges to the table.

Currently, you can define price ranges in two ways. Choose the one that suits you best and stick to it in its entirety, without combining them.

Method 1


price range

Pay attention to the construction - here, in addition to the value, the name of the column also changes. You have to complete the parameter both in the row and in the column name.


On the slide you see a product where the supplier has given three price ranges:


price_25 price per piece for a purchase between 25 and 49 pieces

price_50 price per item for purchases between 50 and 99 items

price_100 price per item for purchases of 100 or more items.

Note how the attribute name changes: in its incomplete form it is price_quantity. The defined and completed attribute indicates the order quantity price_25, and the row indicates the price assigned to it. Insert a numeric value in place of quantity.

Method 2

tier_price1 and tier_quantity

In this way you must use both parameters. 

  • tier_price - determines the price of the product in this range
  • tier_quantity - determines the minimum number of products entering this threshold

You add further ranges by adding an additional pair of parameters: tier_price2 + tier_quantity2, tier_price3 + tier_quantity3, etc

On the slide you see an example of two compartments:


And this is what the offer looks like:



sales unit

The default unit of sale is the piece. If you want to change it, enter the appropriate value - the unit symbol. You can choose from: metre (enter "m"), square metre (enter "m2"), cubic metre (enter "m3"), litre (enter "l") or kilogram (enter "kg").

Sheet view:



what quantity of goods the indicated price refers to

Example: if the price of 100EUR applies to 5 drill bits, enter "5" in price_quantity. We will present the price for 1 drill in the offer.

Sheet view:


Offer view:


Example 2: If you want to sell the drills mentioned in the previous parameter in a full pack (5 pieces), add the value in order_increment (5).

Sheet view:


Offer view:


Example 3: you want to sell screws at £3.50 for 100 units, but in packs of 500 (because you are selling full packs of 500). So set price to "3.5", price_quantity to 100, and order_increment to 500. The customer will be able to make an order for a minimum of 5 packs of 100 pieces each.

Sheet view:


Offer view:




product condition - new, used and refurbished

Please choose and enter one of the three answer choices according to the status of the offered product: NEW / USED / REFURBISHED.


activation of offers

Checkbox 1/0. Enter "1" or leave this space blank if you want the product to be active after importing the file and customers to be able to purchase immediately. Enter "0" if you want the offer not to be visible on merXu after the file has been loaded.


shipping time

Specify the time of dispatch of the product to the recipient. Specify the number of days, e.g. 2 (and not e.g. "1-2 days").


the country from which you are shipping orders

Enter here the two-letter code according to ISO 3166-1, for example PL, CZ, EE, given in the alpha-2 part of the table. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code list Use capital letters.

If you leave this field blank shipping destination will be deemed to be the country where your company is registered.


countries to which you agree to send orders. 

Enter here the two-letter code according to ISO 3166-1, for example PL, CZ, EE, given in the alpha-2 part of the table.

Use capital letters. Separate the country codes with a semicolon: PL;CZ;ET;LT;SK.

Leave this space blank if you agree to ship products to all merXu countries i.e. all EU countries. We will then fill in these values automatically.


ID of the delivery price list that you have created in your account.

Adding it makes the BUY NOW button available to buyers.

Price list creation instruction HERE.

Additional attributes

In this section, we talk about how to create additional detailed attributes that are key to effectively and quickly finding and selling your product.

You build this part of the file yourself.

Additional attributes, unlike required and general attributes, must have names in your language.

Limitation to 199 characters.

If you want to create a new attribute, define a column name that describes its exact meaning. Also make sure that its format meets the following criteria:

  • Attribute names must begin with a capital letter; the rest of the name must be written in lowercase, for example Colour, Volumetric Density, Weight. 
  • if a column describes a value expressed in certain units, give the name of that unit in square brackets,
  • units of measurement in brackets may be written in lower or upper case,
  • use spaces between words,
  • any character used will be displayed in the attribute name - avoid full stops, commas or underscores.
