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Photovoltaic package - what does a photovoltaic system consist of?

Currently, photovoltaics are breaking popularity records. This is, of course, affected by the savings derived directly from the energy of the sun's rays, the increase in the price of traditional energy sources, but also by the increasing awareness of the public towards environmental protection. 

After all, renewable energy sources, which include photovoltaic systems, heat pumps and recuperation, have a significant impact on the environment in which we live. As a result, there are more and more offers on the market from companies that install photovoltaic kits. 

However, before we make our final choice, both of the installation itself and of the company that will install it for our home, it is important to find out what such a photovoltaic kit consists of in general. If we have a good understanding of the design of the installation's operation, we will become a more informed customer who will know what he or she specifically expects.

What does a photovoltaic system consist of?

Everyone is already aware that the key and most important component of a photovoltaic set-up is the solar cells, or simply photovoltaic panels. It is thanks to them that we can obtain electricity from the sun's rays. 

They consist of cells connected in series. There are currently two types of solar panels on the market. The first are monocrystalline panels and the second are polycrystalline panels. 

Currently, the former are much more popular as they are distinguished by newer and more efficient technology. In addition, they are more resistant to external factors, and they also look good.


The second very important component is the inverter. Without it, it would not be possible to power domestic appliances. This is because the main task of the inverter is to change the DC voltage to AC 230 V, with a frequency of 50 Hz. 

The appropriate choice of it is very important, as it affects the efficient operation of the entire installation. Based on the type of photovoltaic set-up, we can distinguish between on-grid inverters, or on-grid, and off-grid inverters, which do not work with the grid. 

In addition, we also have a choice of single-phase or three-phase inverters, central and chain inverters, external inverters, internal inverters, micro-inverters, as well as island inverters.

AC/DC protection

A very important component of the entire photovoltaic set-up is AC and DC protection, i.e. AC and DC protection. These protect the installation against electrical discharges and surges. Some modules can additionally be equipped with fire prevention systems.

Installation system

Through the mounting system, photovoltaic modules can be mounted both on the roof and on the ground, thanks to a special structure created. The components of the system should be lightweight so as not to burden the ground and corrosion-resistant, as they will be practically permanently exposed to unfavorable atmospheric conditions in the form of rain, wind or solar radiation.

In addition, ground structures are often additionally protected with Magnelis coating, which stands out for its even better corrosion resistance.

photovoltaic system wiring

A photovoltaic system without cabling would have no right to function. The wiring is a very important aspect, especially as the voltage in a photovoltaic installation is often very high and the wires themselves are constantly exposed to adverse weather conditions. 

When choosing cables, therefore, we need to be aware that they should be of high quality. Ideally, they should meet requirements such as due resistance to high voltage, weather resistance, as well as being flexible, non-combustible and able to withstand heavy loads. 

HEMS - Home Energy Management System

An optional but very useful solution if you have renewable energy sources in the form of photovoltaics or heat pumps is the HEMS, or Home Energy Management System. 

Using it, we can effectively monitor the energy flow in our property. In addition, the system aims to achieve the highest possible level of energy efficiency by optimizing energy consumption. 

HEMS systems are growing in popularity year on year and the technology used in them can save household owners on energy bills and make the home even greener.