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3 ways to heat cheaply in the winter

In the temperate climate, it is necessary to use central heating in autumn, winter and early spring to ensure heat in the buildings. The temperature outside is then too low. As energy prices rise, more and more people are wondering how to heat their building in a cost-effective way. Fan heater is certainly not one of them. What option will be good for the company’s budget during the heating season?

What kind of fuel can you use to heat buildings?

Let's start with what fuel you can use to keep your buildings warm. Of course, coal is the most popular among many people. Modern ovens with storage tank make coal burning much less burdensome. Unfortunately, it is not ecological. Wood is also a popular choice all over the world.

You can also choose:

  • pellets,
  • eco-pea coal,
  • heating oil,
  • gas.

You can also opt for electric heating, which has many followers. It does not require the accumulation of fuel, it does not produce ash or unpleasant smoke.

#1 Heat pump – an ecological and cheap way to increase heat

If you or your customers are looking for a cheap and efficient way to heat buildings, choose a heat pump. This modern device works really well. Many people say that a good heat pump is a huge expense. This is true, but the investment in it pays back very quickly. If you want to give your customers a choice, make sure you have a variety of heat pumps in your offer. If you choose the trading platform, you can buy devices suitable for different customer groups.

There are heat pumps:

  • ground,
  • air,
  • water.

They are all ecological and really efficient if you choose them properly.

#2 Electric heating connected with a photovoltaic installation

Electric heating is a good way to provide warmth in a building. It does not generate ash, does not require much maintenance, and does not produce dust. Unfortunately, it is an expensive solution, which many people will surely confirm. However, the situation changes significantly when electric central heating is combined with a photovoltaic installation.

Photovoltaics has many advantages. The most important ones include:

  • independence from the electricity supplier,
  • no negative impact on the natural environment,
  • no noise generated during operation.

The photovoltaic system is completely safe for nature and the building on which it is installed. It has no negative impact on the condition of animals or people. The electricity produced by solar panels can be used not only for lighting. This is a good solution if you want to heat your building cheaply and, at the same time, choosing electric central heating.

#3 Modern condensing boilers

If you or your customers decided to use gas heating, you can also lower your bills related to the heating season. All you need to do is replace the old, previously used stove with a modern condensing boiler. The undoubted advantage of this type of devices is high efficiency, which is usually higher than 100%. In addition, there is a small consumption of gas, which directly translates into a reduction in bills. Importantly, they burn gas in such a way that the amount of pollutants produced is minimal. As a result, these devices do not contribute to a significant increase in the level of air pollution. The high degree of automation is also important, which makes them practically maintenance-free.

Central heating is essential to keep your building warm in winter. Currently, more and more people are wondering what solutions to put on in order to enjoy the right temperature and at the same time not to worry about the void in the wallet. The presented solutions are a really good choice. If you are looking for devices that you could offer to your customers who want efficient and cheap heating, the online trading platform is really a very good choice. It offers very good prices for products whose quality leaves no doubt.