Vod 25/19 320N črna UV+pilotna valovita cev

Vod 25/19 320N črna UV+pilotna valovita cev

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Conduit 25/19 320N black UV with remote control

Flexible corrugated PVC UV pipes with a compressive strength of 320N are intended for protection and routing of insulated wires or cables in electrical installations.They are used in installations with increased fire risk (wooden and other flammable structures) located outside buildings


compressive strength %p6 /% N
operating temperature range -25 do +60°C
internal diameter 19 mm
external diameter 25 mm
with sleeve no %p15/ % flush mounting yes
external installation yes
black color
material polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
surface mounting yes
with remote control yes
bendable flexible/ flexible
UV radiation resistance yes
halogen-free No
suitable for installation on wood yes
with longitudinal slit No
suitable for subsurface installations (screed) No
installation of machines and devices yes
impact resistance light (class 2)
compression resistance class light (class 2)

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