The Multiplus inverter is a pure sine wave inverter, a complex battery charger that features adaptive charging technology, and a high-speed AC switch in one compact enclosure.Along with these primary functions, the Multiplus has many advanced features.The main output has uninterrupted functionality.The Multiplus inverter takes over the supply to the connected consumers in the event of a grid failure when the support power or generator power is low.This happens so quickly (in less than 20 milliseconds) so that computers and other electronic equipment will continue to function without interruption.The second output works only when AC is available at one of the Multiplus inputs.Selection of technical specifications: AC power at 25 °C (VA)1600; Maximum power (W)3000; AC input voltage (V)187-265; AC output voltage (V)230; Input Voltage (V DC)9,5- 17; Mains charging current (A)70; Max efficiency (%)93; Operating Temperature -40 to +65°C; Size (mm)375 x 214 x 110; Weight (Kg)10; Please consult the technical book for complete details!
Fotovoltaični moduli
Shranjevanje energije
Polnilnice za električna vozila
Toplotne črpalke
Montažni elementi
Avtomobilska vrata
Klimatska naprava
Namestitev in dodatna oprema
Kompleti za obnovljivo energijo
Vetrna energija
Rekuperacija energije
Okolju prijazni kamini in peči