Solar inverter Fronius Symo
- High-quality, reliable and efficient voltage converter for solar power plant - guaranteed for up to 7 years!
- Simple management and system monitoring in the software!
- Safe operation - all necessary protections are integrated inside!
- Possibility of installation with an additional SmartMeter - for even more accurate monitoring of the amount of electricity produced!
- The Fronius inverter is intended for two-way accounting systems!
The main advantages of the Fronius inverter
- Possibility to choose the power of the inverter from 3 kW to 20 kW;
- Three-phase inverter - meets all the requirements for connection to electrical networks;
- Standard internet interface via WLAN or "Ethernet" - even easier and clearer monitoring of inverter work;
- Due to the integrated Internet interface, Fronius inverters are considered one of the most advanced in the field of communication;
- The input voltage range of the MPPT charger allows you to connect an extremely large number of solar modules - a great solution to first test the operation of the inverter and the solar power plant itself, and only later increase to the required power;
- Protection class IP65 - fully protected against dust and can withstand low-pressure water jets from all sides; - The Fronius inverter is characterized by the fact that it is extremely easy to install;
- Electricity consumption at night is extremely low - less than 1 W.
Fotovoltaični moduli
Shranjevanje energije
Polnilnice za električna vozila
Toplotne črpalke
Montažni elementi
Avtomobilska vrata
Klimatska naprava
Namestitev in dodatna oprema
Kompleti za obnovljivo energijo
Vetrna energija
Rekuperacija energije
Okolju prijazni kamini in peči