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- Producător: Goodwe
- Putere nominală AC: 8000 W
- Numărul de faze: Trei
- Numărul de MPPT-uri: 2
- Series: ET PLUS+ (16A) Series
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Codul producătorului
The GoodWe KN ET 16A series hybrid inverter is perfectly suited for the residential sector. Thanks to the high input current of 16 A, it is compatible with modern powerful panels. The inverter has an integrated back-up for backup power. This means that in the event of a power outage, selected appliances can continue to be supplied with electricity.
Number of MPPT: 2 Stück
MPP voltage min: 200.0 Volt
Dimensions in mm: L: 180 mm B: 415 mm H: 516 mm
memory system: Hybrid-WR
power connector: 3-phasig
Topology: trafolos
MPP voltage max: 850.0 Volt
rated power: 8000 VA
SVT Code: SVT33831
net weight: 24 kg
DC connector: MC4