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BYD Battery-Box Premium HVS 10.2 BCU+Base
- Producător: BYD
- Cicluri de viață a bateriei: 8000
- Tensiune nominală: 409.6 V
- Numărul de module de baterie: 4
Compară 8 oferte
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Battery-Box Premium HVS
One Battery-Box Premium HVS is composed of 2 to 5 HVS battery modules that are connected in series to achieve a usable capacity of 5.1 to 12.8 kWh. Additionally, direct parallel connection of up to 3 identical Battery-Box Premium HVS allows a maximum capacity of 38.4 kWh. Ability to scale by adding HVS modules or parallel HVS stacks later.
HVS 5.1
HVS 7.7
HVS 10.2
HVS 12.8
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