Centru Ajutor
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Centru Ajutor

How to Manually Upload an XML Feed

MerXu can periodically (once a day) read the data from your offer feed file and synchronize it with your product catalog.

  1. Navigate to My merXu > Product Catalogue > Data Import or click HERE.
  2. Click on the "Add New Feed" button
  3. Enter the URL of offer feed and the proper Format (ie. merXu CSV, Google Merchant, Ceneo, Heureka…)
  4. Save your choice by clicking on the “Create” button.

You can then view and edit your feeds in the "Offer Feeds" section. You will find the results of the offer updates in the "Job Status" section.

* Please note that only verified companies can sell on merXu and enter the offer feed file. If your company is not verified by merXu, you will not be able to enter your offer feed file.