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SE Otimizador P1100, SOLAREDGE P1100-4RM4MBT

SE Otimizador P1100, SOLAREDGE P1100-4RM4MBT

Power Optimizer P605/ P650/ P701/ P730/ P800p/ P801/ P850/ P950/ P1100
  • Fabricante: SolarEdge
  • Tensão máxima do sistema: 1000 V
  • Tipo de conector: MC4
  • Potência Máxima (Pmáx): 1100 W
  • Series: Power Optimizer P605/ P650/ P701/ P730/ P800p/ P801/ P850/ P950/ P1100
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€ 69,01 +IVA
PLN 295,00
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PLN 295,00 +IVA
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Designação do fabricante

For high power/bi-facial, 2 in series, 125V, output cable length 2.4m, input 0.16m

The MPPT per module allows for flexible installation design with multiple orientations, tilts and module types in the same string.  When working with SolarEdge inverters, the power optimizers automatically maintain a fixed string voltage, allowing installers even greater flexibility with longer strings and strings of different lengths in order to design optimal PV systems. The SolarEdge power optimizers are compatible with c-Si, thin-film, and high current modules and have a 25-year warranty.

Key Benefits:

  • Per-module Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), with MPPT per two modules using commercial power optimizers

  • Superior efficiency (99.5% peak efficiency, 98.8% weighted efficiency)

  • Mitigates all  types of modules mismatch-loss, from manufacturing tolerance to partial shading and aging

  • Designed for extreme environmental conditions

  • 25-year reliability and warranty

  • Advanced, real-time performance measurement

  • Automatic module DC voltage shut-down for installer and firefighter safety

  • Connected by installers to c-Si, thin-film, and high current (including bi-facial) modules

  • Available frame mounted in advance, for quicker installation

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