Otimizador Huawei 600W compatível com L1 e M1/M2/M3 inversores

Otimizador Huawei 600W compatível com L1 e M1/M2/M3 inversores

€ 54,00 +IVA
1 pc.
€ 54,00 +IVA
1 ×
€ 54,00 +IVA
(1 pc.)
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The Huawei Smart SUN2000-600W-P optimizer is designed to extract the maximum power from a solar panel and to increase the efficiency of the system. This is possible due to advanced technology integrated by the manufacturer. The association with the inverter is quick and easy.
Huawei Smart SUN2000-600W-P Optimizer measures 75 x 140 x 28 mm and weighs 600 g, which makes it easy to install. For integration into the system, there are Stabile MC4 input and output connectors. The cable is 1.2 meters long, which promises flexibility during installation.
The Huawei Smart SUN2000-600W-P Optimizer offers a nominal input power of 600 watts at an absolute input voltage of 80 volts. The possible voltage range is from 8 to 80 volts. The optimizer manages an input current of 15 A. The component complies with overvoltage category II.
The enormously high efficiency of 99.5% (weighted efficiency 99.0%) is impressive. Huawei Smart SUN2000-600W-P Optimizer is a so-called one-fits-all element that is compatible with various modules. 

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