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Módulo BMS Alta Tensão SC1000-100S Pylontech

Módulo BMS Alta Tensão SC1000-100S Pylontech

  • Fabricante: Pylontech
  • Peso: 8.5 kg
  • Series: Powercube X1/H1
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€ 749,00
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RON 3.739,50
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RON 3.739,50 +IVA
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PowerCube-H1 is a high-voltage battery energy storage system based on a LiFePo4. batteryIt is one of the new energy storage products developed and produced by Pylontech, and it can be used to provide reliable power for various types of equipment and systems.PowerCube-H1 is particularly suitable for high power, small size, light weight and long life applications.It manages and monitors cell information including voltage, current and temperature.In addition, the BMS system can balance the charging and discharging of the cells to extend the life cycle.Multiple batteries can be connected in parallel to increase capacity and power in parallel for higher capacity requirements and longer duration of power support.Pylontech's Battery Management System (BMS) has protection features including over-discharge, over-charge, over-current and high/low temperature protection.The system can automatically manage the state of charge and discharge and balance the current and voltage of each cell.

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