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Kit inversor híbrido 10 kW Sofar Solar com armazenamento de energia 5 kWh BTS
Kit inversor híbrido 10 kW Sofar Solar com armazenamento de energia 5 kWh BTS
Kit inversor híbrido 10 kW Sofar Solar com armazenamento de energia 5 kWh BTS
Kit inversor híbrido 10 kW Sofar Solar com armazenamento de energia 5 kWh BTS
Kit inversor híbrido 10 kW Sofar Solar com armazenamento de energia 5 kWh BTS
Kit inversor híbrido 10 kW Sofar Solar com armazenamento de energia 5 kWh BTS

Kit inversor híbrido 10 kW Sofar Solar com armazenamento de energia 5 kWh BTS

Sofar Solar
Código do fabricante
HYD 10KTL GTX3000-H 5K
Potência [W]
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Sofar Solar
Código do fabricante
HYD 10KTL GTX3000-H 5K
Potência [W]

Kit Hybrid inverter 10 kW Sofar Solar with energy storage 5 kWh BTS

SofarSolar HYD energy storage kit with a capacity of %p7/ % kW with a set of batteries with a capacity of 5 kWh BTS is a solution that will help maximize self-consumption in a hybrid installation or enable island operation of the facility.


The set is an ideal solution for people who:

  • People planning to install a photovoltaic installation in a hybrid system or off grid

  • They have an electric or hybrid car

  • They are looking for energy independence

  • An energy storage system that is easy to install and use

  • Those who want to increase their self-consumption

  • %p29/ % Having problems with frequent power outages


Set options:

  • Power supply security - in the event of a power outage power supply, the inverter will switch to island operation in less than 20ms.

  • Savings - ability to adapt the set's operation to the needs of users, and thus take advantage of low electricity prices and maximize self-consumption.

  • Expandability - the warehouse can be expanded to a capacity of 20 kWh.


Inverter operating mode options:

Operating mode selection options:

  • Self-use - automatic mode - In automatic mode, the inverter automatically charges and discharges the battery depending on the amount of energy produced in relation to its consumption.

  • Time-of-use Mode – allows you to set the usage mode within four rules (the 0/1/2/3), co  rule allows you to adjust the work device to current energy rates and save

  • Timing mode – allows you to manually set the charging time, power and discharge time, and battery power.

  • Passive Mode - after connecting the inverter to the network, you can remotely control the inverter functions using commands.

Set composition and guarantees:

  • % p11/% BTS Battery: 10 years

  • Sofar Solar Inverter: 5 years %p21 /%

  • Control unit: 10 years

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