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Inversor solar híbrido fora da rede Qoltec 3,5kW/24V/100A/MPPT/Sinus

Inversor solar híbrido fora da rede Qoltec 3,5kW/24V/100A/MPPT/Sinus

€ 360,06 +IVA
PLN 1.543,90
1 pc.
€ 360,06 +IVA
PLN 1.543,90
1 ×
PLN 1.543,90 +IVA
(1 pc.)
PLN 1.000,00
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An off-grid hybrid inverter converts the energy generated in PV modules into the energy needed to power electrical devices.It functions as a solar charger and battery charger.Equipped with a multi-function LCD display that records operating data, allowing continuous monitoring and management of the entire system.The inverter operates in off-grid mode.It has a built-in MPPT charge regulator with a power of 80A.Possibility to connect an additional Wi-Fi module available in the offer.The inverter does not support BMS.
NOTE: The maximum permissible voltage of panels connected to the inverter must take into account their characteristics, i.e. voltage increase during severe frost.At a temperature of -15 degrees, the voltage from the panels may be higher by 14% compared to the standard conditions given in the specifications (usually 0,4% increases for each degree C lower).

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