Huasun 615W HS-210-B120DS Vidro duplo bifacial

Huasun 615W HS-210-B120DS Vidro duplo bifacial

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Huasun HJT 615W HS-210-B120DS Bifacial Double Glass

The Huasun HJT 615W HS-210-B120DS solar module is part of the Himalaya G12 series and is one of the latest developments in heterojunction technology (HJT). It is a bifacial half-cell and double glass solar module that provides a high power output of up to 615W and is optimized for use in large-scale photovoltaic projects.

The main features of the module are:

HJT 2.0 Technology: Combination of gettering processes and single-sided use of silicon, which guarantees higher cell efficiency and greater module power.

Temperature coefficient Pmax: -0.26%/°C, which translates into more stable performance in energy production even at high temperatures.

SMBB design with Half-Cut Technology: Shorter current transmission path and lower resistive losses, which increases cell efficiency.

Up to 90% Bilateral: Natural, symmetrical bifacial structure bringing more energy to the rear of the module.

Sealing with PIB-based sealant: Provides stronger water resistance and greater air permeability, which extends the module life.

Higher Reliability: Industry-leading product with performance and quality assurance for consistently outstanding module performance.

Suitable for energy projects: Lower cost of system (BOS) and lower cost of energy (LCOE).

The technical specifications of the module include:

Maximum power (Pmax): 625W

Module efficiency: 22.08%

Optimal operating voltage (Vmp): 37.86V

Optimal operating current (Imp): 16.51A

Open circuit voltage (Voc): 45.13V

Short circuit current (Isc): 17.31A

Dimensions: 2172 x 1303 x 35 mm

Weight: 35.3 kg

The module is also equipped with 2.0 mm thick double glass, which ensures strength and durability in difficult weather conditions. It is a high-performance module that has been designed for long-term and reliable power generation on an industrial scale.

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