
Harness Petzl - Astro Bod tamanho rápido 1 versão internacional
Harness Petzl - Astro Bod tamanho rápido 1 versão internacional
Harness Petzl - Astro Bod tamanho rápido 1 versão internacional
Harness Petzl - Astro Bod tamanho rápido 1 versão internacional
Harness Petzl - Astro Bod tamanho rápido 1 versão internacional
Harness Petzl - Astro Bod tamanho rápido 1 versão internacional
Harness Petzl - Astro Bod tamanho rápido 1 versão internacional

Harness Petzl - Astro Bod tamanho rápido 1 versão internacional

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Petzl Harness - Astro Bod Fast size 1 international version
The ASTRO BOD FAST harness with an integrated CROLL rope clamp has been developed to increase efficiency and comfort when ascending a rope.The ventral attachment point can be opened for optimal integration of gear (ascender, support ...).The waistband and leg loops are semi-rigid and wide for excellent support.They are pre-shaped and lined with double breathable foam for maximum comfort while hanging.The DOUBLEBACK self-locking buckles on the back of the harness allow for short adjustment of the straps connecting the belt with the leg straps for correct weight distribution when using the dorsal attachment point.The harness makes it easy to organize and carry your tools with multiple gear loops and loops for CARITOOL gear loops and TOOLBAGs.There is a fall indicator on the dorsal attachment point.The harness is certified in accordance with the requirements of European, North American and Russian standards.ASTRO BOD FAST international version is equipped with automatic FAST buckles on the leg straps.

Product code: C083BA01
Size: 1
Height: 165-185 cm
Waist: 70-93 cm
Leg loops: 47-62 cm
Weight: 2530 g

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