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Faixa de aço galvanizado 30x4

Faixa de aço galvanizado 30x4

€ 48,57 +IVA
PLN 208,00
1 pc.
€ 48,57 +IVA
PLN 208,00
1 ×
PLN 208,00 +IVA
(1 pc.)
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Galvanized hoop iron 30×4

Grounding a PV installation is important for several reasons:

Safety: Grounding provides protection against current leakage, which can protect people and property from electric shock.

Device Protection: Proper grounding helps protect photovoltaic panels and other installation components from damage caused by surges and lightning.

Operational efficiency: Grounding can effectively remove excess static charge, helping to maintain installation efficiency and reliability.

Regulatory Compliance: Many jurisdictions have regulations requiring grounding of PV installations to meet electrical safety standards.

Minimizing electromagnetic interference: Proper grounding can help reduce electromagnetic interference, which can affect the operation of other electrical equipment in the area.

To sum up, the grounding of a PV installation is a key element ensuring the safety, reliability and efficiency of the photovoltaic system, therefore it is extremely important.

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