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Estação de carregamento WALLBOX Commander 2 22kW 4G

Estação de carregamento WALLBOX Commander 2 22kW 4G

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Commander 2 charging station - 22kW 4G Commander 2 wallbox is an advanced, intelligent plug-in vehicle charging system designed for semi-public and business charging places.It is a new and improved second generation design that includes internal DC leakage protection that makes installation easier and more economical.The charger connects to the myWallbox management platform, making it intelligent and allowing access to multiple users via a simple PIN code, RFID card or Wallbox mobile app.The touch screen is practical and easy to navigate.It can be customized to suit individual preferences and can display company messages and logos.Key features Seven-inch touch display Multi-user management using PIN codes, RFID and the myWallbox application Real-time monitoring using the myWallbox application Charging power regulation thanks to the Power Smart Sharing function Built-in module for detecting DC outflows MyWallbox portal Cloud-based myWallbox platform allows configuration, monitoring and remote charger management using a mobile application or web portal.Designed for home and business use Real-time information and management: Access from any device to get information about power consumption, charging time, energy costs or active and transferred charger sessions.Regular Reports: Easily get all your energy usage, costs, sessions transferred, historical data and more whenever you need it.Remote Setup: Set the charging current as needed or lock and unlock the charger to avoid misuse.And all this with one click.Wallbox App Manage all your device settings from your mobile phone or tablet via the Wallbox App.It acts as a link between the charger and the myWallbox portal via Bluetooth.Configure your device and access your energy consumption data.Program charging sessions when the price of energy is lower.Set the charging current according to your needs or lock and unlock the charger to avoid misuse.And all this with one click.

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