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Estação de Carregamento Portátil VT-1001 1000W 46.9Ah/22.4V
Estação de Carregamento Portátil VT-1001 1000W 46.9Ah/22.4V
Estação de Carregamento Portátil VT-1001 1000W 46.9Ah/22.4V
Estação de Carregamento Portátil VT-1001 1000W 46.9Ah/22.4V
Estação de Carregamento Portátil VT-1001 1000W 46.9Ah/22.4V
Estação de Carregamento Portátil VT-1001 1000W 46.9Ah/22.4V

Estação de Carregamento Portátil VT-1001 1000W 46.9Ah/22.4V

potência de entrada
220V/1000W solar :DC10V-60V máximo 400W
€ 625,22 +IVA
PLN 2.700,00
1 pc.
€ 625,22 +IVA
PLN 2.700,00
1 ×
PLN 2.700,00 +IVA
(1 pc.)
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merXu Protected Payments
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potência de entrada
220V/1000W solar :DC10V-60V máximo 400W
  • Charge any Qi Wireless Charging enabled device by placing it on top of the power station

  • Built-in USB-A and USB-C ports also available for easy charging of mobile phones, tablets, cameras, and other devices

  • High-brightness LED screen for ease in visibility and control especially on bright outdoors

  • Prevent battery from overcharging and auto-stop when fully charged

  • Dynamic power protection which will auto-stop output when overpower occurs, or sudden spikes and drops in voltage to ensure product and facilities are safe

  • Automatically cuts the circuit in case it gets shorted

  • Guarantee battery working at a safe temperature at all times

  • Together with the battery’s balance system, this ensures the consistency and extends the service life of batteries

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