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Triple Power V2
  • Fabricante: Solax Power
  • Ciclos de vida da bateria: 6000
  • Capacidade: 5.8 kWh
  • Series: Triple Power V2
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€ 1.339,00
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Solax Power

Designed and manufactured by SolaX, the Triple Power auxiliary battery offers the NEW 5,8 kWh model.Up to 4 batteries can be installed sequentially, which allows you to save 23 kWh.The new SolaX Triple Power solar panel battery incorporates the latest LFP technology for a much safer installation with increased temperature tolerance.With a warranty of 10 years and a depth of discharge of 90%, the new Triple Power additional battery is a flexible, practical and high-performance energy storage solution.Monitor the battery on your smartphone or tablet in real time, see the current charge, previous charge data and choose when and if you want to charge the battery from the network during lower electricity rates.The Triple Power battery has a protection class of IP55, which means it can be installed outdoors, provided the battery is covered with sufficient weather protection.

Note that the additional SolaX HV11550-58 Slave extension requires a T-BAT H5.8 Master battery to function as a master battery.They are NOT compatible with 1st or 2nd generation BMS systems and batteries!

-The Safest Battery LiFePO4

– Life Cycles> of 6000 times

-90% download depth

– Live display

– Functionality check

%p14 /% - Protection level IP55

- Floor or wall installation

- Quick installation

- Does not contain toxic heavy metals or corrosive materials

Triple Power battery data sheet T58 LFP

Triple Power user manual T58

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