
Conjunto de cromoterapia - biolamp Zepter BIOPTRON Pro 1 com uma maleta

Conjunto de cromoterapia - biolamp Zepter BIOPTRON Pro 1 com uma maleta

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Color therapy set of 7 color filters, BIOPTRON Pro 1 color therapy in a practical case.This set of colored glass filters is based on 2 principles of color therapy - on the bioinformation system of pressure points and on the stimulation of the chakras - works thanks to the beneficial effects: light7 colored glass filters enriched with bioinformationPackage content - 7 special glass filters: * red * orange * yellow * green * blue * purple * indigo * practical packaging * The BIOPTRON color therapy set is gentle, safe and effective.It will excite you with bright colors and cosmetics with beautiful scents and essences, complemented by bio-information. BIOPTRON Light is polarized light.The electromagnetic waves of polarized light move only in parallel planes, so the light penetrates very well under the skin.There is no production of ultraviolet rays or great heat: BIOPTRON devices designed for the application of color light therapy are safe, without negative side effects. Color and light therapy focuses on treating the cause of the disease rather than its symptoms, while trying to create body balance. By stimulating the physical and emotional state.For the use of BIOPTRON color therapy, 12 programs / instructions have been created for the effective use of filters - Immunity Support, Excretion and Purification, Digestion, Internal Balance, Relief of Fear, Stress Relief, Good Sleep, Life Spark, Skin problems, Feeling of heavy legs and feet, Poor concentration and memory, Lack of penetration. Color is energy.Each color has its own wavelength and frequency.And based on that, we do not perceive colors only by sight, but we subconsciously absorb them through our skin.When penetrating our body, color causes chemical reactions that affect the function of various organs and systems.The color allows our skin "tissues" and organs to supply energy, and thus increase physical endurance.This new energy we are charged with gives us the strength to fight disease.The warranty on glass filters is 2 years.Made in Switzerland.SK NAVOD TERAPIA FARBAMI EN MANUAL COLOR LIGHT THERAPY

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