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Single-support ground structure T3H

It is an independent mounting structure on the ground for a number of photovoltaic panels arranged horizontally (3 pcs. one above the other), with an inclination of approximately 25/30/35°.

The single-support structure is placed on the ground using single legs driven into the ground to a depth of approximately 150 cm.The depth of the leg killing depends on the type of ground.

Each leg has supports that improve the stiffness of the structure.It is possible to select a structure for mounting a minimum of 4 panels and more.


Each structure is selected individually depending on:

  • Number of photovoltaic panels %p9 /%
  • Size of photovoltaic panels
  • Orientation (vertical / horizontal)

Please send your inquiry within 24h we will try reply and provide a quote.

Price depends on the number of modules and their size

For example, the price for small modules L<1800mm / W<1052mm:

1-32:  178zł net/module

33-90: 168zł net/module

91-150: 159zł net / module

151-300: 147zł net / module

Example price for medium modules 1800mm

1-32:  197zł net/module %p47 /%

33-90: 185zł net / module

91-150: 175zł net / module %p58 /%

151-300: 162zł net / module

For example, the price for large modules 1990mm

1-32:  216zł net/module

%p80/ % 203zł net / module

91-150: 193zł net / module

%p91/ % 151-300: 178zł net / module

%p103 /%

Note.In order to verify stock level , before placing an order, please contact us by phone: 720-829-292.

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